For the most up to date details about Voya / ING Life Insurance Health Classes & Underwriting Guidelines, Call: (888) 681-4952
Top 3 Health Classes
#1 Health Class = Super Preferred
#2 Health Class = Preferred
#3 Health Class = Select
#1 Health Class = Super Preferred
Blood Pressure:
Ages 16-60 – No current or prior blood pressure reading in excess of: Male: 135/90 – Female: 135/85. No history of treatment for hypertension. Ages 61+ – Average of past 2 years blood pressure readings not in excess of 140/95 plus no pulse pressure greater than 70.
Ages 16-60 – Treated or untreated – Cholesterol Max 300. Maximum HDL Ratio Male 5.0 / Female 4.5. Ages 61+ Treated or untreated – Cholesterol Max 300. Maximum HDL Ratio Male 6.0 / Female 5.5. Minimum Serum Albumin Male 4.0 / Female 3.9
Family History:
Ages 16-60 – No cardiovascular deaths in parents prior to age 65.
No tobacco or nicotine use for 5 years.
Driving Record:
Ages 16-70 – No DWI/DUI or reckless driving in the past 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations within the past 3 years. Age 71+ – No history of accidents, reckless driving, or revocation of license in past 10 years.
#2 Health Class = Preferred
Blood Pressure:
Ages 16-60 – No current or prior blood pressure reading in excess of: Male: 140/90 – Female: 135-90. Treated well controlled hypertensives with pretreatment levels exceeding the above limit may be considered. Ages 61+ – Average of past 2 years blood pressure readings not in excess of 145/100 plus no pulse pressure greater than 75.
Ages 16-60 – Treated or untreated – Cholesterol Max 300. Maximum HDL Ratio Male 5.5 / Female 5.2. Ages 61+ – Treated or untreated – Cholesterol Max 300. Maximum HDL Ratio Male 6.5 / Female 6.2. Minimum Serum Albumin Male 3.8 / Female 3.7
Family History:
Ages 16-60 – No cardiovascular deaths in parents prior to age 60.
No tobacco or nicotine use for 3 years.
Driving Record:
Ages 16-70 – No DWI/DUI or reckless driving in the past 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations within the past 3 years. Age 71+ – No history of accidents, reckless driving, or revocation of license in past 10 years.
#3 Health Class = Select
Blood Pressure:
Ages 16-60 – No current or prior blood pressure reading in excess of: Male: 145/95 – Female: 140/95. Treated well controlled hypertensives with pretreatment levels exceeding the above limit may be considered. Ages 61+ – Average of past 2 years blood pressure readings not in excess of 145/100.
Ages 16-60 – Treated or untreated – Cholesterol Max 300. Maximum HDL Ratio Male 6.0 / Female 6.0. Ages 61+ – Treated or untreated – Cholesterol Max 300. Maximum HDL Ratio Male 7.0 / Female 7.0
Family History:
Ages 16-60 – No more than one cardiovascular death in parents prior to age 60
No tobacco or nicotine use for 2 years.
Driving Record:
Ages 16-60 – No DWI/DUI or reckless driving in the past 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations within the past 3 years. Age 71+ – No history of accidents, reckless driving, or revocation of license in past 10 years.
Height & Weight Limits:

Other Factors That Will Effect Health Class
- Aviation
- Scuba Diving, Sky Diving, Motor Racing or any other hazardous sports or activities
- Hazardous Occupations
- Foreign Travel
- Residence | Citizenship
- Alcohol | Drug History
For the most up to date details about Voya / ING Life Insurance Health Classes & Underwriting Guidelines, Call: (888) 681-4952
The Bottom Line?
If you have any questions about how Health Classes and Underwriting Guidelines impact the cost of your Life Insurance Policy, we’re here to help.
We can help you know what to expect, and help you make an informed decision; based on your individual circumstances.
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