For the most up to date details about MetLife Life Insurance Health Classes & Underwriting Guidelines, Call: (888) 681-4952
Top 3 Health Classes for MetLife
#1 Health Class = Elite Plus
#2 Health Class = Elite
#3 Health Class = Preferred
#1 Health Class = Elite Plus
Blood Pressure:
Ages 40 & under: 130/80. Ages 41-54: 135/85. Ages 55 -69: 140/85. Ages 70 & over: 140/90. Under age 55; No blood pressure medication within the last 12 months.
Ages 54 & under: 200 / HDL Ratio 4.5. Ages 55-69: 230 / HDL Ratio 4.5. Ages 70 & over: 150-240 / HDL Ratio 5.0. Current medication OK if acceptable level maintained for at least 12 months for all ages.
Family History:
Ages 65 & under – No death from cardiovascular disease of cancer in parent or sibling prior to age 60. Some cancers may qualify. A wellness consideration MAY be allowed to offset one early family history death due to cardiovascular disease or cancer. Not applicable to insureds 66 & older.
No nicotine use of any form in the past 60 months plus a negative nicotine urine test.
Driving Record:
No DWI convictions within past 5 years. Maximum of 1 moving violation within past 3 years.
#2 Health Class = Elite
Blood Pressure:
Age 40 & under: 140/85. Ages 41-54: 140/85. Ages 55-69: 140/90. Ages 70 & over: 145/90. Under age 41: No medication within the last 12 months.
Ages 54 & under: 240 / HDL Ratio 5.0. Ages 55-69: 260/ HDL Ratio 5.5 or 280 / HDL Ratio 5.0. Ages 70 & over: 150-280 /HDL Ratio 5.5 or 150-300 / HDL Ratio 5.0. Current medication OK if acceptable level maintained for at least 12 months for all ages.
Family History:
Ages 65 & younger – No death from cardiovascular disease or cancer in a parent or sibling prior to age 60. Some cancers MAY qualify. A “wellness” consideration may be allowed for proposed insureds age 50-65 to offset one early family history death due to cardiovascular disease or cancer. Not applicable to insureds 66 & older.
No use of nicotine in any form for past 36 months and negative nicotine urine test. A celebratory cigar (limited to 4 per year) with negative nicotine urine test qualifies.
Driving Record:
No DWI convictions within past 5 years. Maximum of 2 moving violations within past 3 years.
#3 Health Class = Preferred
Blood Pressure:
Ages 40 & under: 145/90. Ages 41-54: 145/90. Age 55-69: 150/90. Ages 70 & over: 155/90. Current medication acceptable for all ages.
Age 54 & under: 260/ HDL Ratio 6.0 or 280/HDL Ratio 5.5. Age 55-69: 280/HDL Ratio 6.5 or 300/HDL Ratio 6.0. Age 70 & over: 150-300/HDL Ratio 7.0 or 150-310/HDL Ratio 6.5. Current medication acceptable for all ages.
Family History:
Ages 65 & Under – No death from cardiovascular disease or cancer in parent or siblings prior to age 60. Some cancers MAY qualify. A “wellness” consideration may be allowed for proposed insureds age 40-65 to offset one early family history death due to cardiovascular disease or cancer. Not applicable for insureds 66 & over.
No cigarettes or tobacco substitutes in the past 24 months and negative nicotine urine test.
Driving Record:
No DWI convictions within past 5 years. Maximum 3 moving violations within past 3 years.
Height & Weight Limits:

Other Factors That Will Effect Health Class
- Aviation
- Scuba Diving, Sky Diving, Motor Racing or any other hazardous sports or activities
- Hazardous Occupations
- Foreign Travel
- Residence | Citizenship
- Alcohol | Drug History
For the most up to date details about MetLife Life Insurance Health Classes & Underwriting Guidelines, Call: (888) 681-4952
The Bottom Line?
If you have any questions about how Health Classes and Underwriting Guidelines impact the cost of your Life Insurance Policy, we’re here to help.
We can help you know what to expect and determine the best fit for you— based on your goals, your individual circumstances, and your budget.
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